1987 Very Scarce-Tenyo Super Close Up Collection
Item Number : 11069
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $750.00  Reserve Met     Starting Bid $75.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 16
Started 8/15/2019 1:56:00 AM   Ends 8/25/2019 3:21:00 PM  
1987 Very Scarce Tenyo Super Close Up Collection, Hiroshi Kondo. Fine Close Up Magic For The Discriminating Professional. This is quite a magnificent set of Close-Up Props for several stunning effects with each prop for effects with Coins, Cards, Dice, and Cups & Balls. All are quality made in brass and also includes a Brass Wand with stainless steel tips all boxed in a presentation case which can be used as a close up surface. Items included are: *The Tokyo Box - an improved Okito Box, will retain the coin or a J.G. Thompson Coin (not included) in the lid *High Roller is a remarkably subtle prediction/coincidence effect using dice and cards *The New Angle Card Card (miniature cards with gimmicked cards included) among other things incldues an effective rising card revelation *Kondo Cups is a superbly designed cups and balls routine using three miniature chop cups, all turned out of solid brass bar stock and quite heavy, the ultimate in cups and balls trickery. This is a high quality limited edition including 28 page instruction manual with illustrations and this wonderful set is in unused very fine condition with minor tarnish, card box has light soil. A great find for the Collector of Tenyo items.

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