P&L Bottles Hallmarked
Item Number : 11091
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $20.00     Starting Bid $20.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 1
Started 7/22/2019 1:56:00 AM   Ends 7/24/2019 7:27:00 PM  
What you have is stage size comedy passe bottle set. The outer bottle stands 10 3/8" high, the smaller bottle stands 9 3/4" high with reservoir load. The largest bottle is quite worn with heavy use and some corrosion but the inner two bottles are in good condition with exception to paint absence and label wear. If you would like to perform the straight passe passe effect with the two smaller bottles you could find some tubes to fit and with a little finish and new labels you would have a good effect. Condition as stated, smaller bottle is hallmarked.

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