1977 Arno Edition of 1897 Magic by Albert A. Hopkins
Item Number : 11131
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $20.00     Starting Bid $20.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 1
Started 7/22/2019 9:36:00 PM   Ends 7/24/2019 7:56:00 PM  
The complete title of this great volume is "Magic Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions including Trick Photography" with an introduction by Henry Ridgely Evans. Compiled and Edited by Albert A. Hopkins. Arno Press, 1977, New York, hard bound, 556 pages with index along with 400 illustrations and photos. This sold for $25 when released in 1977 and worth every penny.

Contents: The Mysteries Of Modern Magic (Cagliostro, Robertson, Comte de Grisi, Robert Houdin, Carl Herrmann, Signor Blitz, Robert Heller, Alexander Herrmann, Bautier de Kolta, Harry Kellar), Conjurors’ Tricks and Stage Illusions (Mysterious Disappearances, Optical Tricks, Miscellaneous Stage Tricks, Conjuring Tricks, Jugglers and Acrobatic Performances, Fire Eaters and Sword Tricks, Ventriloquism and Animated Puppets, Shadowgraphy, Mental Magic), Ancient Magic (Temple Tricks Of The Greeks, Miraculous Vessels Of The Greeks, The Origin Of The Steam Engine, Greek Lamps, Toys, Etc.), Science In The Theater (Behind The Scenes, Some Remarkable Stages, Ancient and Modern, Stage Effects, Theater Effects, The Nautical Arena, A Trip To The Moon, Cycloramas, Fireworks with Dramatic Accessories), Automata and Curious Toys (Automata, Curious Toys, Miscellaneous Tricks Of An Amusing Nature), Photographic Diversions (Trick Photography, Chronophotography, The Projection Of Moving Pictures), Additional Tricks, Bibliography of Works on Natural Magic, Index.

Condition previous owner's signature, very fine.

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