Okito Impossible Lit Cigarette Vanish
Item Number : 11163
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $13.00     Starting Bid $10.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 4
Started 8/18/2019 1:01:00 AM   Ends 8/25/2019 3:28:00 PM  
Performer pushes a burning cigarette right down into the exact center of a pocket handkerchief (this is really what happens, not merely what seems to happen) which is clearly free of gimmicks, and with a flick of the handkerchief, the cigarette is absolutely gone! No false tips or any of the moves that go with such devices. So clean and so diabolically subtle that you will guard its secret as carefully as Okito did. Includes pocket handkerchief and more along with 3 pages of illustrated instructions that are written by Bob Parrish. This was put out by Ireland Magic Company years ago. Condition very fine.

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