David Hoy - Silk Lecture
Item Number : 1228
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $19.00     Starting Bid $3.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 10
Started 5/9/2006 7:35:00 PM   Ends 5/14/2006 7:59:00 PM  
4 pages. Items contained within: * Pop Silks (Silks from Newspaper) * Silks from a Magazine * Flip Silk! Production * Flower Growth Finale * An Empty Goblet * The Magicians' Knot * Hoy's Sympathetic Silks * The Dissolvo Knot * The Dissolvo Knot and Rope * A Knot Jumps * The Haunted Silk * The Flying Silks * Ropes Silks and a Wand * The Spook Knot * Five Minutes of Hanky-Panky with a Gentleman's Handkerchief: (* The Wrist Tie * Ghost That Moves * The Rabbit * The Hank and the Watch...Watch * The Card Rise with Hank) *The Greater Magic Penetrating Silk * Hoy's Penetrating Silk * Mentalism in Silk * A Vanish!!! * Twentieth Century. Creased in center. Light soil. Tape on outer cover. Does not affect contents.

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