Morison's Pill Box
Item Number : 419
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $610.00  Reserve Met     Starting Bid $150.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 8
Started 11/27/2005 10:30:00 PM   Ends 12/4/2005 7:11:00 PM  
Standing 7 5/8 inches high this handsome maple vase acts as the perfect vessel for the 1 9/16 inch diameter red ball found within. This is a classic piece jumping off the pages of Hoffmann's Modern Magic and into your eager awaiting hands. For those unfamiliar this is not just a deluxe ball and vase as many of us have had at one time or another in the plastic version. This is a highly specialized and mechanical vase which allows the magician to remove the ball and place the cover back upon the empty vase setting it aside followed by the vanish of the ball. With empty hands the magician removes the lid of the vase and low and behold the ball is seen to have returned to its resting place. Up to this point it works as all others or so it seems. Taking the vase by its stem the magician tips over the vase and out drops the complete solid ball into his other awaiting hand! With the beautiful styling of this early vase the audience cannot reason that two solid balls could be some how hidden within as it only looks large enough to contain but one. In the notes left behind by the gentleman whose vase this was he said the quality was better than Thayer. The smooth polish finish to the wood itself is a testimony to the skill and craftsmanship lavished upon it.

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