Merv Taylor Seein Spots
Item Number : 4505
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $36.00     Starting Bid $10.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 10
Started 3/27/2010 8:19:00 PM   Ends 3/28/2010 7:33:00 PM  

For the collector of Merv Taylor items this is a rather difficult item to acquire. This is a spot card or commonly known as "What's Next" and this made of metal with a crackle finish black paint measuring 4 1/2" x 7".

The spots are machine burnished into the metal and on the two spot side an area of paint absence 3" long x 1 1/2" has been touched up with black paint. Other small areas of paint absence occur. Includes instructions. Condition good.

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