The Bermuda Cube Germany
Item Number : 4551
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $228.50     Starting Bid $20.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 12
Started 4/11/2010 5:24:00 PM   Ends 4/15/2010 9:02:00 PM  

Micro magic involving a tri-colored cube having holes bored completely through all sides. The magician takes a miniature wand that is black with white tips and inserts the end into the cube on the green sides. It is seen to pass back and forth normally.

The wand is now put into the yellow side hole and it does not emerge from the opposite side so it has to be withdrawn from the side it entered. The magician now puts the wand into the red side and it seems to go completely inside. When it is withdrawn from the opposite red side the wand has changed color into red!

The cube and wand can be examined. From 1990. Includes 3 pages of illustrated instructions. Condition very fine.

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