Richard Himber's Three Carat Amethyst "Staggering"
Item Number : 4834
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $750.00  Reserve Met     Starting Bid $150.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 5
Started 5/12/2010 9:46:00 PM   Ends 5/13/2010 7:54:00 PM  

Original items by Richard Himber are dear and seldom seen as the effects were produced in strictly limited small quantities using the highest quality materials available such as Italian Leather and Gold & Silver.

Mr. Himber left this world far too soon in 1966 at the age of 59 and those alive today that knew him will tell you of the great loss to the magic community of one of the most colorful characters and clever minds in magic.

A solid Gold Amethyst Ring along with several pages of instructions for what will be a highlight performance piece that will leave everyone in disbelief. The effect is of borrowing 8 or 9 rings from different spectators followed by showing a ribbon approximately 4 foot in length (not included). One of the borrowed rings is threaded upon the ribbon leaving it hang from the center. All of the other borrowed rings are threaded over the two ends of the ribbon so they drop down onto the first ring placed on the ribbon. Two spectators are asked to each hold an end of the ribbon as it is explained to the audience that all of the rings are securely threaded onto the ribbon.

 At this point another spectator may be asked to hold a glass bowl (not included) under the group of rings. In a dramatic showing the magician causes all of the rings to drop into the bowl certainly a miracle! After this sinks in for a moment the magician removes 3 rings from the bowl asking a spectator to step forward and assist. The spectator is told to take the 3 rings in his left hand and place it behind his back. Now the spectator is asked to place his right hand behind his back and to take 2 rings from his left hand into his right hand and that by ESP the magician will know which ring is left in his left hand. After a few seconds the spectator realizes that all rings are linked to one another making it impossible to follow the instructions of the magician!

The look on the face of the spectator is priceless and this is worked into a funny situation as the spectator is asked to bring his hands forward and hand the magician the 3 rings. The magician then holds up the rings showing them linked to the other spectators. The magician drops the 3 linked rings into the bowl with the other rings and asks each of the spectators to retrieve his or her ring which adds even more to the mystery because as this is done each spectator looks with puzzlement into the bowl thinking they will be one to deal with getting their ring apart from two others! This is not the case as all the rings are separate. A beautiful effect in the mystifying fool them all style of Richard Himber. Includes 2 pages of instructions. Condition very fine.

In addition to the Staggering routine with spectators and a number of borrowed rings and a glass bowl, this Amethyst Staggering includes instructions involving 2 spectators with finger rings to assist. One sits in a chair on the magician's left and the other on the magician's right. What follows is a penetration of a spectator's ring onto a pencil that the spectator is holding both ends of and keep in mind the pencil is normal and the ring is the spectator's! In the next step a spectator's ring becomes linked to the other spectator's ring and found on the pencil as well. The magician asks that spectator to take the rings off the pencil and to keep his ring and return the other to which he responds "I can't they are linked." The magician shows the audience they linked and as soon as this is seen the magician causes the rings to unlink handing them back to the assisting and bewildered spectators. Bear in mind no stooges in any way are used as both spectators are truly unaware of any mischief and will probably talk about this for the rest of their lives. In beautiful condition.

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