1992 1st Edition Conjuring by James Randi HB
Item Number : 4845
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Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $20.00     Starting Bid $20.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 1
Started 6/24/2010 4:27:00 PM   Ends 7/8/2010 7:02:00 PM  

1992 1st edition by James Randi. Hard bound, 314 pages color photos and illustrations.

Chapters on: *In The Beginning *A Rabbit From A Hat and The Fabulous Indian Rope Trick *Conjuring in Early Europe *The American Philadelphia Professor Pinetti and L'Escamoteur Philippe *Anderson Wonderful Wizard of the North *Robert-Houdin The Innovator *Conjuring in the New World: The Brothers Davenport and Their Spirit Cabinet *Melies The Moviemaker *The Maskelyne Dynasty *The Ubiquitous Herrmann's *Catching Bullets *Chung Ling Soo The Marvelous Chinese Conjuror *Lafayette The Quick-Change Artist and the Boscos *Hofzinser The Great Amateur and Robert Heller Musician-Magician *Horace Goldin's Buzz Saw and The Comedians De Mephisto Co. *Kellar The Man Who Spoke with Devils and Thurston King of Cards *The Two Dante's *The Bamberg Family *The Two Blackstones *Sorcar and Gogia Pasha of India *Houdini The Elusive American *The Richiardis *The Mandrakes *The Self-Liberators *The Manipulators *The Mentalists *The Pickpockets *The Children's Entertainers and The Street Workers *Far Eastern Wonders Then and Now *Modern Wizards and more.

A chock full work to hold your interest. Condition very fine.

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