Rare Owen Tudor Ball Chimney
Item Number : 4896
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $185.50  Reserve Not Yet Met     Starting Bid $50.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 5
Started 7/6/2010 1:49:00 AM   Ends 7/8/2010 7:15:00 PM  

The effect is of the performer taking a ball and dropping it into a wood chimney having two front doors and a door at top and bottom. After the spectators see the ball go back and forth it is removed closing all doors except the top and it is dropped in again.

Now the magician states that the ball has vanished and he is only opening one door at a time with the audience thinking it has rolled to the other side. At last all four doors are opened showing the ball has vanished and the magician reaches into his pocket and produces the ball!

The 2" ball has darkened with age and the chimney has a few scuffs in the wood. Includes instructions. Condition fine.

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