Item Number : 10968 |
Auction is Closed |
Auction Type | Standard | Starting Bid | $25.00 | |
Current Bid | $75.00 Reserve Not Yet Met | # of Bids | 5 | |
Quantity | N/A | |||
Time Left | Auction is Closed | |||
Started | 7/22/2019 5:29:00 AM | Mail This Auction to a Friend | ||
Ends | 7/24/2019 7:24:00 PM | |||
High Bidder | Private | |||
Description | |
The 8 bound volumes are all hard bound with gilt stamping and illustrated throughout addressing all facets of magic. An invaluable teaching course, for the professional, amateur and beginner. If you don't have it then what are you waiting for? *Tarbell Course In Magic: Volume 1, Harlan Tarbell, 1971, cloth bound, gilt stamping, 408 pages, illustrated. Contents: Lessons 1 through 19. *Tarbell Course In Magic: Volume 2, Harlan Tarbell, 1975, cloth bound, gilt stamping, 416 pages, illustrated. Contents: Lessons 20 through 33A. *Tarbell Course In Magic: Volume 3, Harlan Tarbell, 1973, cloth bound, gilt stamping, 416 pages, illustrated. Contents: Lessons 34 through 45. *Tarbell Course In Magic: Volume 4, Harlan Tarbell, 1982, Sixth Printing, cloth bound, gilt stamping, 416 pages, illustrated. Contents: Lessons 46 through 58. *Tarbell Course In Magic: Volume 5, Harlan Tarbell, 1976, cloth bound, gilt stamping, 417 pages, illustrated. Contents: Lessons 59 through 71. *Tarbell Course In Magic: Volume 6, Harlan Tarbell, 1976, cloth bound, gilt stamping, 409 pages, illustrated. Contents: Lessons 72 through 83. *Tarbell Course In Magic: Volume 7, Harlan Tarbell, 1982, Third Printing, cloth bound, gilt stamping, 490 pages, illustrated, including comprehensive Index being title, category and name sections for the previous 1 through 6 inclusive of this volume 7, illustrated. Contents: Lessons 84 through 91. *Tarbell Course In Magic: Volume 8, Harlan Tarbell, 2003, Third Printing, cloth bound, gilt stamping, 434 pages, illustrated. Contents: Lessons 92 through 103. Condition very fine. |
Bidding | |
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KT Magic, Inc. - Kenna Thompson Magic PO Box 55, Milford, OH. 45150 USA Phone (513) 576-6244 (Magi) / Cell (859) 689-7080 © 1990 - 2023 Kenna Thompson Magic/KT Magic, Inc. Images and descriptions of items are copyrighted and may not be used for any purpose without specific written consent of KT Magic, Inc. |