Original items by Richard Himber are dear and seldom seen as the effects were produced in strictly limited small quantities using the highest quality materials available such as Italian Leather and Gold & Silver. Mr. Himber left this world far too soon in 1966 at the age of 59 and those alive today that knew him will tell you of the great loss to the magic community of one of the most colorful characters and clever minds in magic.
Copyright 1963 by Richard Himber produced by Richard Himber and written by Harry Lorayne. This is a handsome book with blue cloth binding and gilt stamping on cover. Numbers 54 pages with photos.
Preface by Richard Himber states: "But I don’t have time to write a book," I told Jay Ose, but Jay was persistent. "What about those twenty great ideas you showed me at the house? It wouldn’t take long to whip them into shape." "I plan to put them out in manuscript form," I demurred. " Come on, give something to magic," he insisted. And that is how the Hundred Dollar Book was born (twenty great tricks at five dollars a trick is a hundred dollars, isn’t it?). I then called Harry Lorayne, a guy with a fabulous mind for magic, and asked him if he would collaborate with me on the book, since I had not time to write it. All he had to do was write the book, while I took the bows. He thought this eminently fair, and off we went into the wild blue yonder - no, that’s another story. I contributed my ideas, Harry contributed his ideas, and we took some of the great ideas from the Best of Billfooled. We feel we have come up with a really great book, and we think that you will feel the same way after you read it.
Very few of these were produced and difficult to find. In First Rate Condition.