Pictorial cloth bound with Gilt on spine 160 pages with 100 illustrations and descriptions for some very unusual magical effects dealing with *Chemical Magic *Mechanical Magic *Magician's Stage and Tables and *Electrical Magic. David McKay Publishing of work with original copyright 1898.
A treatise on the construction and introduction of scientific magical apparatus having items not to be found elsewhere. Another must have if for anything your own curiosity and marvel over the construction of items over 100 years ago.
Chapters on: The Magician’s Stage and Tables (Design and Equipment of a Magical Stage, Chute Table, Cable Table, Electric and Combination Table), Mechanical Magic (Flight of the Timepieces, Magical Cords and more), Chemical Magic (Mysterious Goblet, Miniature Inferno and more), Electrical Magic (Obedient Padlock, Magic Clock, Spirit Chirography and more), Equipment And Working Notes (Miniature Electric Footlights and more).
Condition very fine.