The Unique Jumping Stool Great Britain
Item Number : 8125
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $125.00     Starting Bid $25.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 19
Started 1/18/2016 10:01:00 PM   Ends 1/19/2016 8:27:00 PM  
This small stool is a comedy item where performer rests his foot on the stool casually and it slowly collapses to the floor. When performer removes his foot the stool springs right up into his hand! Two of the performers that have used this are Billy McComb and Terry Seabrooke. Stool is 14 1/2" in height and made of solid wood. Includes 2 pages of instructions with ideas for use. Condition very fine.

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