Item Number : 10076 |
Auction is Closed |
Auction Type | Standard | Starting Bid | $20.00 | |
Current Bid | $27.50 | # of Bids | 4 | |
Quantity | N/A | |||
Time Left | Auction is Closed | |||
Started | 10/8/2018 7:00:00 PM | Mail This Auction to a Friend | ||
Ends | 10/9/2018 7:22:00 PM | |||
High Bidder | Private | |||
Description | |
An effect so incredible, so baffling and so unexplainable that, as Holmes would have said, When you take away the impossible, then what remains, however improbable, must be the correct solution. And all that remains must be mind reading. For when an ungimmicked deck of 52 cards is on the table (not included), and the performer back turned or in the next room instructs three spectators to each select a card, out of the performer's sight and then, upon his return and with no fishing or outs, tells the spectators the names of their respective selections, expect a hush to settle over the gathering! Includes wallet with note pad and 16 page of photo illustrations to perform the mental effect of your dreams. Condition like new. |
Bidding | |
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KT Magic, Inc. - Kenna Thompson Magic PO Box 55, Milford, OH. 45150 USA Phone (513) 576-6244 (Magi) / Cell (859) 689-7080 © 1990 - 2023 Kenna Thompson Magic/KT Magic, Inc. Images and descriptions of items are copyrighted and may not be used for any purpose without specific written consent of KT Magic, Inc. |