The performer explains that one of the things he enjoys most about his work is getting to meet people from all walks of life. And while most are basically different from one another, there is one thing they all seem to have in common. They’re very predictable. So to test this theory of predictability the performer proposes to attempt a brief experiment. Displaying three colored coin purses, red, white and blue, the performer invites a spectator to select one of the purses. However, the performer continues, no matter which of the three purses is chosen, the selection has already been predicted. When the spectator announces his choice, for example, the blue purse, the performer opens same and removes a folded slip of paper. Showing that the purse is otherwise empty, the performer has the spectator open and read aloud what is written on the slip. It states, “I predict that you will select the blue purse.” Naturally everyone groans as the performer exclaims, “Ta Da”. Motioning with his arms as if he expected a standing ovation. Naturally the audience laughs assuming that each of the purses contain similarly worded prediction. The performer glares at the spectator as he says, “You look slightly underwhelmed.” Discarding the blue purse in his pocket and stating that there are still two purses remaining, the performer invites the spectator to make a second choice. For example, the spectator chooses the white purse. The performer opens the purse and removes another folded slip of paper which he hands to the spectator after showing that the purse is otherwise empty. The spectator reads what is printed on the slip of paper. “I predict that your second choice will be the white purse.” The audience now begins to realize that the performer is in, in fact, predicting the order in which the spectator is choosing the purses. Pocketing the white purse, the performer holds up the remaining red purse as he states, “Of course I knew from the very beginning that you would leave the red purse for me since that’s the one I keep my hundred dollar bill in. Showing the inside of the red purse to be otherwise empty, the performer pockets both the purse and the bill as he takes a well deserved bow. (The purses in this effect are green, blue and red.) Condition very fine. |